A Chronicle of my Daughter Jackie’s Life

From Jackie’s father

In 1962, dad, mom and Julie were living in Tustin, California and dad was a Captain and a fighter pilot stationed at Marine Corps Air Station, El Toro. Tustin was only a few miles from the air station. Julie was not quite three years old when mom found out that there was a new baby on the way….


Jackie’s Story (Through a Mother’s Eyes)

From Jackie’s mother

I felt I had so much to say about Jackie, so I wrote this little Jackie’s Story to help me during my grieving and mourning, but especially for Jackie’s husband, Barry, and sons, Benjamin and Daniel. I want to share some of Jackie’s life that I hope would bring comfort and some healing during this very sad time for them….



If you are going through hell, keep going.
— Winston Churchill

alexander valley film society creates jackie hoffner heart & hope award

When the Alexander Valley Film Society (AVFS) lost a founding member of its organization, the Board gathered and activated to create an award in her honor.

In honor of Jackie’s generosity of spirit and the AVFS mission of bringing diverse films, artists, educational and cultural enrichment programming to our community, we are proud to announce the Jackie Hoffner Heart &
Hope Award.

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Berkeley Humane Society Honors Jackie Hoffner and her love for animals

In Loving memory of Jackie Hoffner: Lifelong animal lover, dedicated advocate, and caring soul

Berkeley Humane for Best in Show - Stories from Beyond the Shelter. Hosted by Dr. Michael Krasny, of the award-winning KQED Forum, this one-show performance is a live event sharing stories of the animal companions that shape our lives with love.

This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples, no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.
— Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama
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Caravan to Class launches “Bourse Jackie” program to provide university scholarships for young women in Timbuktu, Mali

Program will honor Jackie Hoffner, wife of founder of Caravan to Class

As Caravan to Class begins its ninth year of operations focused on literacy in one of Africa’s historically significant places, Timbuktu, the organization has launched The Young Women's University Scholarship Program, a new program to create real "change-makers" by providing 4-year scholarships for five high school graduates from Timbuktu to attend university in Bamako, the capital of Mali in West Africa. 

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Honored by Wild Aid as Wildlife Champion Award

When Jackie walked in the WildAid doors in early 2015 as our volunteer we all adored her instantly.

She elevated the office with her boundless energy, enthusiasm, giving nature, intelligence, sweetness and love for what she was doing.

To spread the conservation message, Jackie helped build our Instagram profile. She also made herself available to all who needed help. She was part of our team and we loved having her with us.


In May 2018, a plaque was dedicated in Jackie’s honor at the Blank Park Zoo in Des Moines, Iowa.

Initial donations were made by Iowa friends of Jackie and her sister, who knew her love of and dedication to animals, particularly rhinos.  Additional contributions were made by Jackie’s immediate family and an 8x10 plaque reading “Jackie Hoffner – Live with Kindness” is now part of the zoo’s 50th Anniversary Pathway project. The pathway and plaque are adjacent to the eastern black rhino exhibit with Kiano and Ayana, the adult male and female, and the female baby rhino, Tumani, born in October 2016.

Currently, less than 1,000 eastern black rhinos remain when both captive and wild populations are combined. Tumani was one of only two babies born in the United States in 2016 and one of seven in zoos worldwide that year. Blank Park Zoo participates in the Association of Zoos and Aquariums’ Saving Animals From Extinction (SAFE) initiative and also partners with the International Rhino Foundation to secure the future of this critically endangered species. 

Jackie recognized the significance of the rhino birth at Blank Park Zoo and had hoped to see the baby on one of her family visits to Iowa.

A special thanks to my friends who came up with the idea for this memorial for my sister. Jackie is no doubt very proud. 

With gratitude, Julie




Jewish day school award named in honor of late Marin animal advocate

“Kindness.” It’s the word that keeps coming up when people talk about Jackie Hoffner, a Marin County animal advocate and strong community presence who died in November.


Mourners honor Sausalito animal activist killed by elephant

"Barry Hoffner said [Jackie] regularly cared for injured animals. He said family friends often showed up at the house with wounded animals, certain that his wife knew the best way to care for them. When the family first purchased Silverwood Ranch, a 1,200-acre estate with two vineyards in Cloverdale, Barry Hoffner said his wife discovered orphaned mice living inside inherited furniture. She gathered the critters and drove them for treatment to WildCare in San Rafael."